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Энди Армстронг
Рассказов: 6
В первый же вечер, как я переехал сюда из Германии, меня пригласил в гости старый знакомый. У Скотта, с которым мы вместе учились еще в старших классах, был день рождения, и по этому поводу затевалась грандиозная вечеринка в его квартире, в центре города, со...
Нет такого
Часть первая

С некоторых пор в столице это стало считаться нормальным – подойти, познакомиться на улице, довести до ближайшего кабака, увлечь в малоаппетитное помещение уборной и суетливо выпить случайно...
Клуб Вечность
Fake Empire
Глава первая

Однажды, промозглым серым утром в середине октября, когда я сидел за столом у себя в кабинете и, попивая глинтвейн, просматривал газеты, поражаясь тому какую порой нелепицу нам выдают за важнейшие новости, с первого этажа меня позвал дворецкий, причем...
Доброе утро, герцог

Воспевать мои ноги, закованные в неприлично узкие черные брюки, ты не собирался. Как не собирался и падать на колени, обвивать руками мои щиколотки и в неописуемом экстазе осыпать поцелуями возмутительно остроносые туфли...
Я ненавижу
Не покидай
Когда день начинается со звонка родителей, он вряд ли может закончиться хорошо. Это уже закон. Когда, едва проснувшись, тянешься к лэптопу, чтобы проверить почту и еще заспанными глазами видишь «сервер временно не доступен», это второй признак «шикарного» выходного. Потом, правда...
– Если бы я сказал тебе, что смертельно болен, и хочу провести остаток жизни с тобой, что бы ты ответил?
– Банальность. Все мы больны, Алекс, – и вирус называется «жизнь».
– И впрямь - банальность…
Он все также сидел на диване, привалившись к спинке, смотрел куда-то в окно и...
Рассказов: 11
It started out with a simple Phrase. A casual roll of the tongue, but oh, how it actually meant something so much more. But I suppose you already knew that, you may have been a pretty face, but you weren’t daft. Or at least I hope you weren’t. Back then…

Back then it was subtle touches and longing glances, preferred...
A Phrase,
A Touch,
A Declaration
Nimble fingers and dull eyes, your words were like poetry, your lips were like poison. You oozed out every beautiful thing that could ever be created, alive, re-incarnated and burned and breathed life into it. Delicately your lips would move slowly, at first, like an engine gaining it’s speed before you’d start rambling and yelling, screaming and...
And I Was A Boy From School
"M’not gonna do it, Nick! Quit asking me." Alex huffs out quietly, trying desperately to zip up his boots with not so steady hands and avoid that glare that Nick’s sending towards him. It’s a dark, accusing, playful ohmeingottyouareadevil type look and Alex is afraid that Nick will start demanding him to do other foolish and stupid things as well if he...
it’s raining outside of my house and I can’t help giving up good inspiration

He was standing sultry in the rain, what a sight; soaking wet hair and lowered eyes, fists crushed at either side of him in complete and utter annoyance. I had been watching him for a while now, this boy, this man, who left his building every day tired and...
He Had Stars In His Eyes

I am not in love.

There was nothing wrong with me.

There was no imperfections whatsoever, nothing about myself which I could claim ugly or say I disliked. I was flawless. I was God. You knew it too. One look into my...
I am not in love
(the six step habit of Nicholas McCarthy)
I was bewildered and crying
When I realized at the corner of a toy store
My mom had disappeared
Although a stranger was kindly trying to talk to me
I didn’t listen to anything that was said to me.

Whenever I'm around my canvas I get a sickening feeling, a sharp, painful ache that spirals...
The Blanket
Beautiful boy, hunched over his guitar, plucking away furiously. Bless him and his calloused fingers, even though it did sound like complete and utter shit, it was still music to my ears. I could listen to him strum all day; if only he’d let me. His eyes snap open once he hears my footsteps by the door and he shoots me an accusing, burning stare. I smile awkwardly...
The Jacket
Prescribed pills to offset the shakes to offset the pills
You know you should take it a day at a time.

IV patch stuck to your arm you slide through the hallways like a ghost, quietly and unnoticed. Yes, those lights are rather brighter than they were today, but they upped your dosage of...
The Many Personalities Of Nicholas McCarthy
It's very simple, I had two choices : Get on the plane, or let him go.

It sounded simple enough when he told me this over the phone while breathing heavily and gasping out how much he loved me and all these other fancy terms of endearment, as well as when we met behind the old building down by the cafe and he handed me the tickets...
The one where Alex refuses to talk and Nick works for once in his life
The felid of roses were beautiful this time of year, the different hues of reds and pinks and whites blurring together with tulips and daisies; honeysuckle permeating the air and the quiet ring of children's bicycle bells. It was Bob's idea really, he wanted to get out and sketch something since he felt that we were all a little too crowded inside the house.
The Picnic (Nick gets attacked by ducks and Bobby smiles)
Nick had been acting weird lately.

However, when Nick said that he was going to leave the band, I thought he was joking. Everyone paused from eating at the table, spoon halfway to Bob's mouth and Paul, who was nibbling on a piece of bread, dropped it. I gave out a hearty laugh, rolling my eyes and began to sip the tea I...
Рассказов: 7
Mistake #1: moving to Glasgow.

He went for her. For Manuela. Because she was going and he loved her. He believed she could right him, straighten him out. They'd been together so long, her affection for him never failing, not even when he did the most horrible things: stealing, drag racing, fucking about...
A Series of Mistakes
Alex woke up to breakfast in bed. What a marvel! He didn't think breakfast in bed was a phenomenon that actually existed. Really, who on earth could ever be so considerate to even think about providing such a fantastic comfort?

His Nick, that's who. Nick, who was bouncing by the foot of the bed in nothing but pajama...
Birthday Boy
It's easy to ignore the tang of blood in my mouth after Nick punches me.

"You slept with my boyfriend," he spits.
"You slept with mine," I growl.

It goes on like that. We trade insults for a while and I let Nick punch me, let him think he's getting the upper hand. Let him think he's a big man for...
Alex Kapranos had a dirty little secret. And Paul wasn't telling.

"Oh, come on, Thomson," Nick sneered. "I know you two were a thing. You just said it yourself, Alex has a kinky side. So, what about it? What does he like?"

Paul shook his head, staring down into his pint, his fourth of the...
Just One Hint
Part 1

That was how it started, how it came to a boiling point: Paul dropped a little trinket of Bob's on the floor, a porcelain figurine someone at the record label had given him as an early holiday gift. One of those bizarre little items that did no good as anything but a paperweight. The floor was wood panels and...
Less Chat, More Action

"I never wanted to be in your stupid band, anyway."

Alex gaped at Bob as he threw down his bass-- a gift from Alex himself, on the condition that Bob learned to play it-- and rose from the sofa, turning towards the door of the flat. Just a few moments ago, they'd...
"Nicholas, fantastic show, eh?"

Alex peered into his hotel room, the one he shared with Nick. They usually switched around for each stop on their tour, and Alex was always glad when it came time to have Nick as a "roommate" of sorts. Paul talked too much in general and Bob was too laid back, always smiling...
The Benefits of Low Self-Esteem
celticblade (aka interstellar)
Рассказов: 8
Alex rolled his hips against Nick, keeping up the steady thrusting that was slowly bringing them both to climax. Nick groaned aloud, getting more vocal as he got ever closer. "Alex! Oh, God!" Nick gripped his lover's hips, pulling them into him more violently.

Suddenly, the door crashed open, and they were drenched with a...
"Don't do it now," Nick muttered, squirming. "Alex, seriously, no!" Alex grinned blearily and continued unzipping the other man's trousers.

"I can't help it," he insisted, "my fingers have a mind of their own. Or no self control. Or something." Alex pushed Nick against the wall, kissing Nick's neck as his hands closed around...
Dancing... playing... screaming... every gig is the same. I thought I should maybe liven it up a bit. So, when Nick was moving over to his keyboard, I decided to follow him, and tried to put my chin on his shoulder. I was entirely unprepared for him to smack me on the nose, as if I was a dog that had done something bad. It was uncalled for, too...
Never Again
Hosted by uCoz