Birthday Boy
a/n: written for someone's birthday

Alex woke up to breakfast in bed. What a marvel! He didn't think breakfast in bed was a phenomenon that actually existed. Really, who on earth could ever be so considerate to even think about providing such a fantastic comfort?

His Nick, that's who. Nick, who was bouncing by the foot of the bed in nothing but pajama pants that slipped off his hips every time he moved. Looking a lot more enticing than the buttered muffins and jam spread out before him.

"Happy birthday!" Nick exclaimed, rushing over to Alex's side. He kissed the birthday boy hotly on the lips, a kiss that was a lot shorter than Alex would have preferred.

"Mm, thank you, love," he drawled, finding that there was juice in front of him. Lovely, he was quite thirsty. Alex took a long sip of the juice and then smiled up at Nick, though his own expression was no match for the hundred-watt grin on his lover's face. "This is brilliant, Nick. You shouldn't have, really."

"It was nothing," the brunette shrugged, kneeling on the mattress. "You'll have to get used to it when they cart you off to the nursing home one of these days. Though you are quite sexy for such an old tart. Thirty-three, is it?"

"Nick!" Alex squealed, sitting up at once, nearly knocking over the tray on his lap. "Not so loud! The flat might be bugged!"

"Mm, well, inquiring minds want to know." Nick grinned easily with a shrug, picking up half a muffin and offering it to Alex. "Hungry?"

"Now that you mention it." Alex took the muffin and indulged himself with a healthy bite. It was even toasted! And at just the right amount. Nick had really outdone himself. "This is so sweet of you, Nicholas. Muffins and juice. And here I was, expectin' whips and chains."

Nick rolled his eyes with a dramatic huff. "Please, Alex. You're not 25 anymore." Alex poked him in the side until Nick deflated back into a lopsided grin, flicking back strands of chocolate brown that fell into his eyes. He shrugged a bit sheepishly once they'd settled again. "Actually. There is one more thing."


"Be right back," Nick spat out. He leapt off the mattress and went dashing towards the kitchen, banging around in there for a few minutes. Alex's brow creased as he tried to get a look past the doorway, but to no avail from where he sat on the bed. Nick reappeared soon enough, holding a cake pan with both hands. He presented it with a flourish, clearing away the breakfast foods for the new arrival: a small-sized cake with vanilla frosting, Alex's favourite. It had a single lit candle and spelled out in sprinkles: "HAPPY B-DAY AL."

"Ta da!" Nick said, fluttering his hands in the air. Alex let out a gust of laughter as he examined the cake, squinting up at Nick.

"Ah, hm. 'Al?'"

Nick glanced off guiltily, twisting his lips. "I spilled most of the sprinkles on the floor."

"Oh, love," Alex said, giggling. He thought hard for a moment before leaning forward and blowing out the single candle. Thank the lord it was only one and not the whole thirty-three. He'd be puffing all morning. "Cheers, Nicholas. Quite the little baker, you are. Thank you."

"What'd you wish for, then?" Nick asked immediately. He had a knife in his hand and was already cutting out a piece of cake from the pan.

"None of your bloody business, and I'll thank you not to pry."

"I bet I know," Nick said smugly. He licked a bit of frosting off his index finger, then his thumb, which certainly got Alex's attention.

"Oh, you think so?"

"Yep. I bet.. you wished that our break could last a little longer before we head back to the studio to record." He took a bite out of the cake slice he cut, the sugary frosting staining his fingers all over again. "That we could stay here a few more weeks. Months, even." His brows lifted as he regarded Alex. "Am I right?"

Alex shifted a bit against the pillows and sighed. "You know me too well."

"Well," Nick said, not doing a good job of suppressing a victorious grin. "We still have some time." He finished off his cake with a single bite, his hands a sticky mess.

Alex cocked his head at him. "Excuse me, McCarthy. I'm the birthday boy here, am I not? Don't I get a slice of cake?"

"Oh, you'll get a slice." Nick said this calmly, raising his fingers to his lips again, sucking off the sweetness with lips that were as powerful as a vacuum, in Alex's experience. He went deliberately slow, his eyes fixed on Alex as his mouth zeroed in on every saccharine spot. Alex swallowed, realizing he was getting hard thanks to Nick's little tease. The man was diabolical.

"Nick, I'll not have you treat me so unfairly on my birthday," he managed.

"Oh, did you want to taste? How rude of me." Nick lifted the cake pan and moved to set it aside on the nightstand, but not before reaching in and dipping his fingertips back into the frosting, ruining his design as he scraped off the vanilla. He glanced back at Alex, smiling faintly as his leg swung out. In a moment, he was straddling Alex completely. He reached forward and skimmed his fingers dangerously along Alex's trembling lips. Oh now, this was fun. "Go on, then," Nick whispered. The edge of his voice made Alex shiver. "Taste."

He didn't have to ask twice. Alex barely hesitated, parting his lips and leaning forward to envelop the tips of Nick's fingers, savoring the rush of sugar that greeted his tongue. His eyes were closed at first, but as he suckled more harshly, he opened them to watch Nick's reaction, which seemed to be a mixture of curiosity and lust. Nick was transfixed, mouth agape as Alex licked and sucked him clean. Alex did his best to give the bloke a good show, swirling his tongue around the digits, dipping low enough to lick at the stretched skin between them. He skimmed his teeth ever so lightly along the skin, which got a stronger reaction from Nick. The brunette's hips bucked involuntarily into Alex's, eliciting low moans from both of them.

"Scheisse," Nick hissed. His blue eyes sparkled a moment, devious eyes that they were. He retaliated by pushing his fingers further between Alex's lips. Alex rumbled a moan as he figured out what was happening: Nick was fucking his mouth with his hand. Jesus Christ.

He obliged Nick, cheeks hollowing as he suckled fiercely on his digits, flicking his tongue along their undersides. Nick rolled his hips, which made Alex stutter for a moment. The situation did not improve when Nick leaned forward to whisper into Alex's ear, balancing himself with his free hand pressed against the mattress.

"You like this," he said. Alex could hear the slither of Nick's tongue along his lips and teeth as he whispered. He bit lightly at the earlobe and Alex whimpered. "What if I spread frosting on your cock... and then sucked you clean? You'd like that too, wouldn't you?" Alex gasped around Nick's slick fingers, his only reply. Well, that and the buck of his hips. He could just about hear Nick grinning like a fiend. "I'd like it too," he rasped.

Just like that, the fingers were gone. Alex sucked in a breath of air just before Nick's mouth came crashing down on his. Their groins were fully in contact now, moving against each other as they both grew stiff with mutual desire. Alex plunged his tongue into Nick's mouth again and again, showing him what it was like, as his body quaked with the delicious friction their cotton pajama pants provided. He reached up blindly, looking for more contact of some kind, pressing his palms against Nick's back, the muscles quivering under the sweat-slicked skin. This wasn't going to last long.

Nick broke their kiss, panting for air that he needed more desperately as he got closer to the edge. Alex could tell from the soft gasps and noises Nick was starting to make. He was surprised when Nick managed to press close again, hiss again into his ear.

"All day, Alex. All day long-- gonna suck and fuck you-- 'til you can't stand up. Fuck you.. so hard. So long. Oh, fuck. Christ."

Alex's lashes fluttered with the brilliant mental images. Nick painted a lovely picture, good enough for him to shut his eyes tightly as he shivered all over, letting his orgasm roll through him like a tidal wave. He couldn't stop himself from thrashing a bit under Nick's weight, hitting a sweet spot that had Nick cursing again, a shudder as he came.

They both laid there for a while, twining their limbs immediately, catching their breath. It was a bit damp between them, but neither one seemed to mind. The sunlight was coming in from the window, revealing the subtle highlights of Nick's otherwise dark hair. Alex looked on in fascination. Nick was certainly a gorgeous birthday gift.

"Mm, Nick," he murmured finally. Nick lifted his head and pressed a kiss to Alex's throat.

"Meant it, y'know," he said.

"Meant what?"

"What I said. What I'm gonna do to you."

Oh yes, the frosting bit. Alex grinned, moving one leg out from under Nick's weight, to stretch. No cramp, lucky him. "Can we take a short break for cake and tea, maybe?"

"Of course. It's only 9:30, we still have--" Nick looked up, calculating as fast as he could. "--Fourteen and a half hours of birthday time left." Alex quirked a brow, lifting his own hand to double-check Nick, counting on his fingers. He smiled when Nick thwapped him with a pillow and said, "Stuff it. Cheeky bastard."

"Fourteen and a half is a long time! I was just checkin'."

"Mm. Yes. It's plenty of time for you to get yer second wind, geezer."

Alex pouted at Nick, sticking out his lower lip. "But a sexy geezer, yes?"

Nick smirked and laid back down, wrapping himself around Alex, tight as a ribbon around a birthday giftbox. He sighed into Alex's pale skin. "A sexy geezer, yes."
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